Frequently Asked Questions

What is this?

This site is merely a simple search engine for the spoken word of podcasts.

You can look up specific conversation bits, or sentences, or words, and get the episode and timecode in return.

All of the timecodes are clickable, and will start playing that specific episode from that specific timestamp. The indexing and transcription of the podcast might not be completely accurate, so you may have to rewind/forward a bit in the episode, if you are looking for a very specific sentence.

Who is behind this site?

My name is Anders, and I am the sole developer on this project.

I created this purely for my own benefit, as I am an avid podcast listener, and love to be not only amused but also bemused by the lovely, entertaining people, and I needed a way to share my favourite bits and soundbites with my colleagues and friends.

You can read more about me here, or, if you are a fellow Dane, my personal site.

How does it work?

I find some podcasts I like, index them, generate transcriptions using A.I., make it all searchable.

I am constantly tweaking the search options and algorithms, so do not hesitate to contact me if you have some ideas for changes or new functionality.

I would absolutely love for this site to be more than a single person's project.

Can I somehow submit a request for a podcast to be indexed?


Shoot me an email, and let us have a chat about it.

Do you, or this site, own the rights to any of the podcasts?

None at all.

I purely built this site as a passion project, and if you are the owner of any of the podcasts, and do not wish to have them displayed here, I will swiftly take them off the site.

Can I support you in any way?

You absolutely can!

You can chuck in a buck on or simply use this button

Every bit helps as I am not particularly fond of ads - but absolutely only do it, if you can afford it.

What is the origin of the name?

The site is a contraction of the name Kedakai, which started as a long-running story on Conan O'Brien's podcast.

(This evidently was also the first podcast to ever be indexed on this site)

You can hear him tell the story here: Kedakai! As God made her